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   Permit Information Updated Jul 21st, 2024  
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Graphs and Statistics for Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

  • Well Permits by Year
  • Well Starts by Year
  • Gas Companyies Operating in Township
  • Production Values per Company
        (dollars & cu/ft)
  • Production Averages per Well by Year
  • Inspections/Violations per Company
  • Inspections/Violations per Year
  • Average Inspections per Well per Year
  • Liquid Well Waste by Type

  • (* indicates no reports)

    (you must choose both a County and a Township)

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    Unconventional Well Permits by Year for Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

    (---): total permitted wells in Dimock Township to date.

    : total developed wells in Dimock Township to date.

    : wells with reported production in Dimock Township to date.

    Graph: Well Permits By Year
                  Years in chronological order
                  Current year represents wells reported as started, as of Jul 21st, 2024
                  Based on data up to Jul 21st, 2024
                  © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    Unconventional Well Starts by Year for Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

    Graph: Well Starts By Year
                  Years in chronological order - current year represents the number of wells started as of Jul 21st, 2024
                  © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    Companies with Unconventional Well Permits: Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

    (---): the total number of permitted wells in Dimock Township to date.

    (---) has the largest number of permits in Dimock Township to date ((---)).

    Graph: Company Permits per Township
                  Susquehanna Gas Companies in Alpabetical Order
                  Based on data up to Jul 21st, 2024 © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    Production in "At the Wellhead" (ATW) Dollars per Gas Company for Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

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    (---): the value of gas produced (ATW dollars) in Dimock Township, Pennsylvania to date, based on an adjusted total reported production volume of (---) thousand cubic feet (Mcf), and a wellhead price of $ 1.63 per Mcf.

    (---) dollars: the value of gas produced in Dimock Township to date, based on a residential price of $ 14.93 per Mcf.

    (---): the number of homes this amount of gas would heat for a period of one year.

    dollars: the estimated revenue from an at the wellhead value severance tax of 5%.

    (---): the number of Gas Companies with production values in Dimock Township to date.

    (---) has the highest production (ATW dollars) in Dimock Township to date: (---) (a residentially priced value of (---)).
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    Graph: Gas Company Production in ATW Dollars: Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

    Information in this area is available to Full Members only - Become a Full Member
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                  Gas Companies in Alphabetical Order
                  Based on data up to May 31st, 2024 [DEP data date: 07/19/2024] © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

    Graph: Gas Company Production in Thousand Cubic Feet (Mcf): Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

    Information in this area is available to Full Members only - Become a Full Member
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                  Gas Companies in Alphabetical Order
                  Based on data up to May 31st, 2024 [DEP data date: 07/19/2024] © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    Graph: Average Production per Well, by Year, Dimock Township, Susquehanna County

    The dollar values shown represent the production average, in thousands of dollars, per well. Values are based on "At The Wellhead" (ATW) pricing of $1.63 per MCF (thousand cubic feet) - the most recent pricing figure available from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. The darker bar represents the number of wells with reported production values during that year.

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                  Number of producing wells displayed in darker green above
                  Based on most recent DEP data up to May 31st, 2024 [DEP data date: 07/19/2024]
                  © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    PA DEP Inspections and Cited Violations per Gas Company for Dimock Township, Susquehanna County

    Information in this area is available to Full Members only - Become a Full Member
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    (---): the total number of inspections in Dimock Township.

    (---) has the highest number of inspections in Dimock Township ((---)).

    (---): the total number of violations in Dimock Township.

    (---) has the highest number of reported violations in Dimock Township ((---)).
    Show/Hide Statistical Criteria

    Graph: Company Inspections/Violations Tally: Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA
                  Susquehanna Gas Companies in Alpabetical Order
                  Based on DEP compliance data up to Jul 21st, 2024
                  © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    Graph: DEP Well Inspections/Violations per Year: Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

    Information in this area is available to Full Members only - Become a Full Member
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                  Based on DEP compliance data up to Jul 21st, 2024
                  © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    Graph: Average Number of Inspections/Violations per Well: Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

    Information in this area is available to Full Members only - Become a Full Member
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                  Based on DEP compliance data up to Jul 21st, 2024
                  © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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    Liquid Waste, by Type, for Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA

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    gallons: the total amount of liquid unconventional well waste produced in Dimock Township up to May 31st, 2024 [DEP data date: 07/19/2024]. This is equivilent to aproximately (---) 18 wheeler tanker truckloads.

    Show/Hide Statistical Criteria

    Graph: Liquid Waste in Gallons, by Type: Dimock Township, Susquehanna County, PA
                  Susquehanna Type of Liquid Waste
                  Based on DEP data up to Apr. 30th, 2015 © MarcelluGas.Org - All right reserved - Contact MarcellusGas.Org for reprint information.

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