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   Permit Information Updated Jul 21st, 2024  
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Related Sites & Links

Below are websites with information related to Marcellus gas wells. If you'd like to see a website added to this list, send MGOrg a note. MarcellusGas.Org is not affiliated with any of the websites below, and does not monitor or evaluate the content displayed.

  • Pennsylvania DEP Oil & Gas website
    Information from the DEP on gas and oil well activity in the state of Pennsylvania

  • Natural Gas Forum For Landowners     (
    Provides landowners with information to make wise decisions about negotiating natural gas, oil and mineral leases.

  • TDEX -- The Endocrine Disruption Exchange     (
    The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX)- Lists Chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing

  • Natural Gas Drilling tip line     (
    Natural Gas Drilling tip line

  •     (
    Provides photos, facts, opinions, stories and news about the Marcellus Shale gas wells.

  •     (
    Marcellus Shale - Appalachian Basin Natural Gas Play

  • The Marcellus Shale Formation Information Site     (
    The Marcellus Shale Formation Information Site

  • FracTracker - Marcellus Shale Data Tracking     (
    Tracks the impact of the Marcellus Shale gas extraction

  • Fracking: Gas Drilling and the Marcellus Shale     (
    Crash course in hydraulic fracturing

  • Marcellus shale formation FAQ's     (
    Drilling for Natural Gas in the Marcellus Shale Formation FAQs

  • Water Testing: Wilkes University Laboratories     (
    Free Informational Manual for Private Well Owners and Citizens Groundwater Database

  • Marcellus Shale Protest     (
    Information clearing house about Marcellus Shale gas drilling, activism, and related issues

  • Water-Research Center     (
    Free information for private well owners on drinking water quality

  • Crown LLC Water Reclamation Services     (
    Self contained mobile water reclamation systems

  • EPA in Pennsylvania     (
    State related EPA information

  • Oil & Gas Journal     (

  • Sadat Associates Inc.     (
    Environmental and engineering consulting firm servicing the oil and gas industry.

  • © MGOrg - MarcellusGas.Org 2010-2024.
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